16 May 2013

Waterproofing and final form removal

Today we removed the forms from the carport/shed and the porch support wall.  The egress window was finished with the installation of the well, ladder and grate.  The entire living area was waterproofed.

I will be taking the rest of the week off as not much is happening until Monday when the sub-floor package arrives. 

Currently soliciting bids for flatwork.  Hope to have the back half of the basement floor done next week so construction of the load-bearing wall can begin.

The front half of the basement floor as well as the floors for the garage and shed will be poured after the 1st of June when backfilling is scheduled.

Here's some pics of today's work:

The bulge in the porch support wall.

Shed foundation.

Broken forms

They really "pop" when they go!

All forms removed!


What the well-dressed sub-contractor is wearing this summer.

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