13 May 2013

Footers Poured

Today, we poured footers for the basement, attached garage and carport/shed, as well as the porch and planter.

The guys also began setting forms for the walls, which they will complete and pour tmw.

Mike McKinney is doing the poured walls, and so far, I am very pleased.  They seem to be a good crew and knowledgeable.

Here's some pics of today's activities:

Pouring the last footing (for jackpost under front bedrooms)

Completed house footings

Breakfast Nook (Laundry Room below), Planter and Porch

Carport / Shed back wall

Later in the day, the guys began setting wall forms, they'll finish and pour tmw.

These guys have the COOLEST toys!

I gotta get me one of these 'boom' trucks!

SE corner (egress window just placed in East wall).

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